Find community gardens near you!
Grow together, connect forever.
Greenthumb is a web application that allows people in an area to find community gardens and interact with other like-minded people.
The home page, which allows users to login and/or logout.
The gardens page, allowing users to see the locations of local gardens.
The garden view pane, allowing users to see specific garden view.
The garden creation page, allowing users to add their gardens to the database.
The blog page, allowing users to see articles posted by other users.
The events page, allowing users to see events posted by other users.
About Greenthumb
To learn more about greenthumb, please take a look at our presentation, made with, here .
The Tech Stack
The application is built with the t3-stack , which includes the following important libraries:
- NextJS for routing and designing the frontend, using React components.
- TailwindCSS for styling the frontend.
- TRPC to communicate with the backend.
- Prisma a Typescript ORM (Object Relational Mapping) to connect the database schema with the backend and frontend.
- Next-Auth an authentication layer for NextJS applications.
The database uses PostgreSQL and hosted by Supabase .