Dev Projects

This is a website for all my web applications made in ReactJS , using NextJS for file and folder based routing, and Mantine for simple UI components. The website and applications use Javascript and Typescript in order to function.

The Applications

Completed Applications

  • Mathnasium Text Generator: A text message generator for Mathnasium, which takes input in the form of text in order to return a text message that should be sent to student’s parents. Try it here Mathnasium Text Generator App

  • Weather App: An application which utilizes a user’s zip code to provide current weather information. Try it here Weather App

Work-in-Progress Applications

  • To-Do App: A weight tracking app in which the user inputs their weight daily and the weight is subsequently graphed to show change in weight. To-Do App

  • Weight Tracker: A weight tracking app in which the user inputs their weight daily and the weight is subsequently graphed to show change in weight. Weight Tracker App