About Dhaba
A mobile application built with React Native and Express.js for the Fall 2022 Hack Texas Hackathon, which allowed Austinites to track the locations of their favorite food trucks everyday. Using the Map View Component and Geolocation, the food trucks in Austin, Texas, were mapped out. The application allowed two types of users: food truck customers and food truck owners. When a customer tapped on one of the food truck locations on the Map View Component, they were prompted with the name and menu of that food truck. On the other hand, owners could set the location of their food truck, which would update their location on the map, allowing customers to see if their favorite food truck has moved or remained in the same place. The backend used Express, and stored the data of all the food trucks and whether the user was a food truck owner or not.
Video Demo
Here is the video explaining and showcasing the application.
Tech Stack
- React Native for the mobile frontend, using React components.
- React Native Maps for the maps in React Native.
- Express.js for the backend.
- MongoDB as the database.