Hobbies & Interests

Hobbies & Interests


  • I enjoy coding in a multitude of languages; my favorite aspect of programming is web-development and making websites.
  • I am fluent in Java, Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, NextJS, and TailwindCSS.

Video Games

  • I enjoy playing video games as a past-time, especially shooters like Valorant and Fortnite.
  • I also really enjoy playing car driving and racing simulators, like Forza Horizon 5.


  • I also really enjoy traveling, especially with my family.
  • I have visited locations all around the U.S. and around the world, including New York City, CancĂșn, and New Delhi.

Digital Media

  • Another one of my favorite activities is creating digital media with computers, which includes 3D renders and animations with Blender, video editing with DaVinci Resolve, and photo manipulation and art with GIMP.